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Mark Pakan

Mark Pakan, DDS

I was born in a beautiful city of Tashkent, Uzbekistan. My parents: father, a surgeon, and mother,a teacher; valued education above all other things. Powering my brain with solving either jigsaw puzzles or advanced mathematical problems was a hobby rather then a task. I especially enjoyed building something with my hands. Then a few screws and bolts, with a help of a screw driver and a ratchet, would result in constructing a toy car or toy plane.

As I was growing up, getting a degree was not a question. The biggest question was how to build a future in a country with no respect for law or religion. Our family realized that a new life would have to start from a scratch in a new land, a land of opportunities.

In 1992 our family immigrated to Queens,New York, which has been my home ever since. I have graduated Magna Cum Laude from Queens College recieving a BA in Biology. I was awarded Dean’s Full Merit Scholarship to attend NYU College of Dentistry which I graduated in 2001 in the top of my class (Omega Kappa Upsilon). A few years later, I completed my advanced training in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry at NYU College of Dentistry.

What can I say? NYU was a very special place for me. This was the place where I have obtained a profession that I love. This was the place where I had met the love of my life, my wife Bella. We have three magnificent daughters. They take most of our free time. We adore spending time together as a family: visiting grandparents, inviting friends over, and playing together in the park.

I consider myself a happy, and most importantly, a lucky person. Every morning, when I wake up, I want to go to work and do what I love the most (play with tiny screw drivers to build something important for my patients); and, every evening I want to come back home to those that I love the most.

Many years of hard work and a little bit of luck led my life to a balanced equilibrium, or, rather, happiness.

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